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Natural Geography

PubDate:2023-11-21 09:00 source:www.bozhou.gov.cn views:
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Bozhou is located in the northwestern part of Anhui Province, situated at the southern end of the North China Plain and bordering Anhui and Henan. Its geographical shape is elongated diagonally from southeast to northwest, with a length of about 150 kilometers from north to south and a width of about 90 kilometers from east to west. The total administrative area of it covers 8,374 square kilometers.
The rivers within Bozhou belong to the Huai River water system, and the main rivers include the Guo River, Xifei River, and Cihuai New River. Among them, the Guo River stretches for 173 kilometers within the city and covers a basin area of 4,039 square kilometers, which is referred to as the “mother river” of Bozhou people.
Bozhou enjoys a favorable climate, belonging to the temperate semi-humid climate. The monsoon is significant, providing moderate temperatures, ample sunlight, moderate rainfall, a long frost-free period and four distinct seasons. The average annual temperature is 15.2°C, the average annual precipitation is 867.2 millimeters, the average annual sunshine duration is 2,040.9 hours, and the frost-free period lasts about 219 days. The climate characterized by simultaneous rainfall and warmth throughout the growing season provides excellent conditions for agricultural production in Bozhou, making it suitable for crops such as winter wheat, soybeans, corn, cotton, tobacco, as well as medicinal herbs like white peony, Chinese peony, and chrysanthemum, promoting diverse business.
Bozhou is rich in resources and people’s well-being, and it has a robust momentum in developing multi-level composite industries such as medicinal herbs, brewing, and mineral deposits. It leads the nation in terms of transactions of Chinese medicinal herbs, production of Chinese herbal decoctions, and processing of health tea. Renowned brands of Baijiu, such as Gujinggong liquor and others, enjoy nationwide recognition. The region boasts abundant underground coal and oil resources, with a cumulative proven resource reserve of 5.7 billion tons, among which coal amounts to 5.02 billion tons, ranking third in the province.

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