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State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company helps cattle farming

PubDate:2024-06-18 11:10 source:chinadaily.com.cn views:
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Staff members from State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company work with a cattle breeding farm manager in Lixin county, Anhui province. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

Staff members from State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company at work. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn]

In Lixin county in Bozhou, northern Anhui province, cattle farming has a long history. Large-scale and standardized cattle farms can be seen almost in every town. In recent years, the county has been making effort to open up a new track for rural vitalization by cultivating new form of cattle farming in the Yangtze River Delta under the framework of "Straw to Meat". By the end of 2023, Lixin county had 365 large-scale cattle breeding farms in various townships, with 1,023 breeding households and a cattle population of more than 125,000, ranking first in the city and at the forefront of the province.

In Changhe village, Wangtuan town, Lixin county, Anhui Xinhaoxiang Bioengineering's breeding farm presents a bustling scene: inside the facility, forklifts roar as workers transport and process fodder; in the cattle sheds, the well-fed cattle are everywhere.

Yan Jiahu, manager, said: "Now the living conditions for the cattle are excellent, with good housing, soft beds, and even massage services." This scene is a microcosm of the current cattle farming industry in Lixin. The open cattle sheds are well-ventilated and equipped with sprinkler systems and electric fans, ensuring a comfortable environment. In the center of the farm, three large stainless steel silos stand tall. "This is our cattle's central kitchen," Yan said. The three silos contain refined feed. Via a terminal computer, it can weigh and mix automatically to produce daily feed suitable for cattle at different stages, then transport the feed to the automatic feeding line. The central kitchen has a daily production capacity of 600 metric tons, providing daily rations for more than 30,000 cattle.

Currently, the county has achieved feeding for 100,000 cattle. More than 200,000 cattle have been traded there. The place is producing 500,000 tons of bio-feed, storing 1 million tons of straw fodder, processing 500,000 tons of organic fertilizer annually. It is engaging in deep processing of beef products and operating a cold chain logistics system, aiming to build a comprehensive beef cattle industry at billion-yuan scale.

On June 12, State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company organized the Communist Party member service team to visit the Xinhaoxiang breeding farm, conducting one-on-one service and researching electricity needs. The staff members voluntarily inspected the enterprise for electrical safety hazards and helped to enhance product quality and working efficiency.

"We appreciate the reliable and warm service provided by the power supply company, which has enabled our company to quickly start production and maintain stable profitability," said Yan Jiahu, deputy general manager of Anhui Xinhaoxiang Food.

With the implementation of the "Straw to Meat" project in Lixin county, construction of beef cattle breeding bases in various townships is underway. To ensure reliable electricity supply, State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company coordinated with various townships, closely monitored power supply services and electrical facility construction to address the electricity-related issues in beef cattle breeding bases. As of May, the company has carried out electrical construction projects in 11 townships, including Kantuan, Wangtuan and Zhongtuan in Lixin county, installing more than 40 transformers with a total capacity of about 20,000 kilovolt-amperes. They erected more than 400 towers and laid more than 20 kilometers of power lines. With a project budget exceeding 11 million yuan ($1.5 million), those projects will resolve electricity issues for 15 beef cattle breeding bases.

Adhering to the corporate mission of "Electricity for the People's Well-being", State Grid Lixin County Power Supply Company paid close attention to customer needs and organized Communist Party member service teams to provide door-to-door services. With the continuous support of green energy, the beef cattle breeding industry in Lixin is embracing a broad future. The local government is also promoting village network construction and expanding the coverage of power service, so as to facilitate the sustainable development of the modern beef processing industry.

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